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Transformer winding and main electrical circuit DC resistance test

Time:2024-05-08 Number:1

1. Place testing instruments and connect testing lines

Choose a suitable location to place the transformer DC resistance tester, and reliably ground the instrument's grounding terminal. Refer to the test wiring diagram, and connect the instrument's testing terminal to the tested transformer winding through a dedicated testing wire.


1) The wiring should be correct, the connection should be firm and reliable, ensuring good contact.

2) Prevent induced electric injury to people and damage to testing equipment.

3) Pay attention to selecting the correct test current value.

Security measures

1) Use a dedicated testing cable and carefully check the connection of the testing cable.

2) If necessary, one end of the tested transformer winding can be grounded to reduce the impact of induced current.

4) Pay attention to whether the measured values are stable.

5) Pay attention to the unit conversion of resistance values.


2. Start measuring, read and record the measurement results

Start the tester to start the measurement. When the measurement value is stable and there is no change in the instrument indication, record the measured resistance value.


1) Pay attention to selecting the correct test current value.

2) Pay attention to whether the measured values are stable.

3) Pay attention to the unit conversion of resistance values.

Security measures

1) Generally, a current output value of 3-10A is selected.

2) Ensure sufficient stability time.

3. Change the tap position as needed to continue measuring

For the on load tap changer transformer, after changing the tap position, restart the tester to start measurement. For the off load tap changer transformer, the testing circuit must be disconnected and completely discharged before continuing measurement.


Pay attention to the type of transformer tap changer. For on load voltage regulating transformers, the testing circuit can be continuously opened; For no-load voltage regulating transformers, the test circuit must be disconnected and completely discharged before changing the tap position and continuing the measurement.

4. Stop the measurement, discharge the tested winding and ground it.

Stop the measurement, discharge the tested winding and ground it. Not discharging the measurement circuit or not discharging thoroughly can endanger personal safety and damage the testing equipment.

Attention: It is necessary to wait for the tester to display complete discharge and the buzzer to stop sounding before disconnecting the test circuit and proceeding with subsequent work.

GDZX is a professional manufacturer of secondary protection testing equipment, with a wide variety of instrument and equipment types to choose from. GDZX serves you at 4000-828-027. To learn more, visit GDZX's official website at www.gdzxdl.com.