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Notice of the National Day Holiday Arrangements in 2019

Time:2019-09-26 Number:55

According to the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Holidays in 2019" and the spirit of the notice of the Provincial Government Office, now GDZX 2019 National Day holiday arrangements are hereby notified as follows:


Holiday from October 1st to 7th, 2019, for a total of seven days.

Going to work normally on September 29 (Sunday) and October 12 (Saturday).

During the National Day holiday in 2019, all units should properly arrange the staff to be on duty, do a good job in safety and security. In the event of a major emergency, it shall be reported in a timely manner and disposed of properly, ensure that all employees spend peace and happy holiday. All departments are requested to actively cooperate with the implementation of the company's various systems, properly arrange the production and after-sales work before the festival, and carefully carry out various safety inspections to ensure the safety of the company and employees during the holiday.

GDZX wishes all employees a happy National Day Festival!

GDZX Administration Department
